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近几年,电影市集上很明显的一个风景便是各式续集扎堆儿上映,007系列,碟中谍系列,星球大战系列,等等。这些电影的共同点便是八月未央 自慰,演员可能会加入崭新血液,然而总共影片的作风会一直传承下来。这亦然系列电影一直受迎接的原因。
Legacyquel is a movie that continues a long-running franchise, in which beloved aging stars reprise classic roles and pass the torch to younger successors. These movies are all about revitalizing old franchises through the notion of legacy.Legacyquel指后续拍了多部续集的系列影片,受东谈主孤寒的老牌明星在系列影片中徐徐将扮装传递给年青一代的演员,咱们不错称之为“传帮带系列电影”。这类影片通过这么的传承形状让总共系列电影延续渴望。
For example:
Considering how well Creed, a movie that passes the torch from one ‘80s action icon to a new generation, is being received by everyone, I wonder if the producers of Kickboxer: Vengeance are regretting making it a remake instead of a legacyquel.从上世纪80年代的行为偶像手中接过衣钵的新一代影片《奎迪》反响甚好,不知谈《搏击之王》的制片东谈主会不会后悔他们仅仅翻拍了原作,而莫得拍个系列。
—Peter Hall, “Quick ‘Kickboxer: Vengeance’ Trailer Gets Sweaty With Dave Bautista, Gina Carano, and Jean-Claude Van Damme,” Movies.com, December 2, 2015
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)八月未央 自慰